Science and Math

“That we do not construct the external world to suit our own ends in the pursuit of science, but that vice versa the external world forces itself upon our recognition with its own elemental power, is a point which ought to be asserted again and again in these positivistic times.”

– Max Planck, Where is Science Going?, 1932, p198.

Physical Science and Mathematics provide an important part of St. Mary’s four-year Liberal Arts program.  St. Thomas says that science is “a knowing of things through their causes.”  A greater knowing always leads to a deepening of a true love for the thing known, and more so for its cause.

Topics in these courses provide tangible subject matter for challenging student’s logical reasoning and critical thinking.  Gaining confidence in reasoning to logical conclusions with material they can touch increases their confidence when reasoning with other more abstract and transcendental topics.

We do not attempt the impossible goal of making every student an expert in all aspects of science and mathematics. Specific topics are chosen in an effort to illustrate how the knowledge from particular areas of study are not isolated but weave together to give a coherent picture of creation as a whole.

What we strive to give our students is the ability to continue learning during their whole life, using what they know to probe for understanding to the questions that they will face.  In the efforts to study and work towards understanding physical nature, the students become better thinkers, better problem solvers, and become better acquainted with the whole environment that God has gifted to them.

“[Science at SMC] opened up the beauty of science to me and showed us how perfectly ordered and detailed creation is, down to the construction of the smallest atom.” 

– Cara T., SMC 2015

Dr. Joseph Strong

Academic Dean and Professor of Science and Mathematics

Dr. Joseph Strong, currently the Academic Dean at St. Mary’s College, teaches Physical Science and College Mathematics. Beyond his College duties Dr. Strong continues to assist in the educational mission of the SSPX as teacher and Science Department Head at St. Mary’s Academy, and a lecturer during the SSPX Catholic Teacher Seminars.

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Mr. Devon McCarthy

Professor of Mathematics

An alumnus of St. Mary’s College, Devon McCarthy graduated with an A.A. in Liberal Arts in 2008 and Certificate of Catholic Teacher Education in 2010. He also attended Kansas State University, where he graduated with a B.S. in Physics in 2016. Devon began teaching Calculus at St. Mary’s College 2017.

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